ƒxyz Network: The Financial Revolution
Reimagining value transfer and exchange
The ƒxyz Network revolutionizes finance through blockchain, AI, and knowledge graphs, offering simplicity, security, and universal access. Our integrated approach streamlines over-the-counter transactions and seamlessly connects with informal value transfer systems. By doing so, we aim to unlock a multi-trillion dollar market, providing new opportunities and efficiencies for individuals and businesses alike. Our suite of solutions is designed for the digital age, and we are committed to a sustainable and inclusive future with a community-driven governance model.
The Problematic Financial System
The current financial landscape presents several challenges:


The financial ecosystem is complex, with numerous regulations and intermediaries. This complexity creates barriers and confusion for users.


The OTC currency market lacks transparency, favoring gatekeepers and contributing to financial inequality.


A convoluted network of systems leads to sluggish transactions and higher costs, impeding economic progress.
ƒxyz Network's Solutions


Our platform democratizes financial services, offering clarity and ease of access to all users.


By providing an open and clear market, we empower users with information that dismantles the dominance of traditional gatekeepers.


Integrating the Solana blockchain, we accelerate transactions to match the pace of global business, reducing costs and fostering inclusivity in finance.
Multi-Trillion Dollar Market
The market presents a vast, multi-trillion-dollar opportunity in refining OTC FX transactions and Value transfer networks, positioning ƒxyz Network as a transformative market force.
OTC Market
7.5 Trillion dollar is the immense average daily volume of OTC FX market
IVTS Volume
Hundreds of billions transferred daily through informal value transfer systems.
Network Applications & Algorithms

Core Applications

Onchain E-spot FX: Direct blockchain-based FX spot transactions. Exchange Platform: Versatile currency and asset exchange. Communications Backbone: A secure network for efficient communication. Payment & Remittance Solutions: Robust systems for electronic payments, cross-border money transfers, and digital-to-fiat conversion.


Pathfinding: Advanced algorithms for optimal currency transfers. Arbitrage: Sophisticated tools for exploiting price differences across markets. Graph Machine Learning Algorithms and more

Security & Compliance

Network Protection: Multi-tiered security architecture. Regulatory Adherence: Comprehensive compliance framework.

User Interface & Navigation

Interface for asking, contributing and acting all with natural language and simple interfaces. Intuitive Access: User-centric design for easy navigation. Transactional Interfaces: Seamless interfaces for retail FX, currency swaps, and fund transfers.

Financial Management Tools

Liquidity Optimization: Applications for managing liquidity efficiently. Wealth Management: Tools for personal financial growth and asset management.

Business Model & Financial Projections
Business Model Overview:
  • Revenue Generation: The ƒxyz Network will capitalize on market inefficiencies through arbitrage strategies and taking a modest fee from high-volume OTC spot FX and remittance transactions.
  • Value Creation: By providing solutions that correct market inefficiencies, the network adds value to every transaction it processes, benefiting from vast volumes in the OTC market.
  • Network Algorithms: Running proprietary algorithms, the network will autonomously execute strategies to optimize value transfer and gain revenue from dynamic market conditions.
Financial Projections:
  • Target Revenue: Aiming to capture 0.01% of the OTC market, translating into millions in potential daily revenue.
  • Low Fee Structure: Maintaining competitive advantage by offering lower remittance fees compared to traditional systems.
  • Sustainable Growth: Projected financial growth based on conservative estimates of market penetration and network effect.
Strategies for Capitalization:
  • Seed Funding: Seeking initial investment to catalyze growth, with clear terms and long-term token lock-up periods to ensure stability and commitment.
  • Community Development: Allocating a significant portion of tokens to the DAO for decentralized governance and incentivization of network contribution.
  • Cost Management: Operating with a lean team, minimizing marketing costs, and focusing on core technology and network expansion.
User Benefits:
  • Economic Incentives: Users will benefit from the network's efficiency, potentially receiving better pricing on transactions and access to liquidity management tools.
  • Community Participation: Engaged users may have opportunities to contribute to the network's governance and decision-making processes.
Funding Strategy:
  • Transparent and Prudent: Adoption of open bookkeeping and smart contract-based fund distribution to maintain transparency with stakeholders.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Adherence to AML/KYC standards to ensure the network operates within legal parameters across jurisdictions.
Upholding Regulations
  • Compliance Priority The ƒxyz Network is designed with a priority on compliance, adhering to international financial regulations to ensure both user privacy and transactional security.
  • Innovative Compliance Tools Utilization of state-of-the-art compliance tools enables the network to meet regulatory standards, including AML/KYC procedures, while maintaining a high degree of automation and accuracy.
  • Adaptive Jurisdictional Strategy The network's adaptive strategy ensures compliance in various legal jurisdictions, supported by technology that responds dynamically to the changing regulatory landscape.
  • Privacy Preserved A commitment to user privacy is embedded within the compliance framework, offering pseudonymity while still fulfilling all legal compliance requirements.
Governance and Management


Holacracy Approach
The ƒxyz Network adopts a holacracy model for organizational structure, distributing decision-making across self-organizing teams rather than a traditional management hierarchy.


DAO Integration
A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) forms the core of the network's governance, with token holders empowered to participate in key decision-making processes.


Hybrid Governance Structure
The network leverages a hybrid model, combining the human-centric wisdom of holacracy with the efficiency and scale of DAOs, to create a responsive and agile governance framework.


Anonymity with Accountability
Members are pseudonymized, tied to their pseudo wallets and other forms of identification, ensuring a balance between privacy and responsibility within the network's governance.
Circles = Teams
In the holacracy model, teams are referred to as circles, each representing a specific area of focus within the organization. Circles are empowered to make autonomous decisions within their domain, fostering agility and innovation. This team-based approach allows for increased collaboration and flexibility, creating a dynamic and adaptive organizational structure.
We also have roles that can be taken by members. Each member can take multiple roles. Currently, we maintain active and passive lists of contributors, which will also be presented to our members, including investor personas.
Investment Opportunity
This is your invitation to join us. Our inaugural investment round offers a unique opportunity for visionaries to become a cornerstone of a new financial era. Investments will be trackable and questionable exclusive to the investors only and not seen in detail by the rest.
Seed Pool
Join the exclusive investment circle with time-tracked contributions.
Token Share
Invest and own from the 10% pool of tokens during our inaugural round.
Tokenization Strategy
Tools & Resources
Explore our collection of valuable resources including docs, use-cases, academic articles, network visualizations, blog posts, and real-world experiences. These resources provide insights and support the development of skills within the ƒxyz Network.


Welcome to ƒxyz | ƒxyz

Exploring Technology Architecture
Token extensions for privacy, membership management, POH for real-time synchronization and settlement
CubeNet for settlement, matching in CubeNet through Cube.exchange by encouraging members to hold assets there as we think this is the best way of doing this. Using Cube and other Bridges we will establish cross blockchain value connections.
For all graph database, vector database, Knowledge graph and other graph related integrations
TON blockchain and Telegram Web Apps as a communication channel and additional application interface
Many open source LLMs and tools integrated with different Graph Machine Learning algorithm to continuously update system and give natural language interface to all.
Roadmap to Innovation
We're focused on expanding our membership, forming foundational DAOs for governance, and enriching our knowledge base. The roadmap outlines milestones, legal framework development, network growth, and sophisticated algorithms.


Genesis DAO
Foundational DAOs formation for governance.


Network Expansion
Membership growth and integration with different partners


Technology Enhancements
Application and development of sophisticated algorithms and legal frameworks.

Building a Synergistic Ecosystem

To permeate markets and engage users, ƒxyz Network fosters strategic partnerships and community-driven initiatives, bolstering growth. We will rely mostly on Network effect and practical applications that will drive organic interest. Human Insight Valuing thriving human-machine collaboration for nuanced financial intelligence. Digital Currencies The network will encompass cryptocurrencies, CBDCs, and stablecoins on blockchain and DLT networks. Knowledge Integration Leveraging AI and Knowledge Graphs for strategic financial planning.

Join Us
Be part of a network at the intersection of innovation and transformation. For details and contribution opportunities, reach out to us. Let's build the future of finance together.